Title: Jan Hendrych
Year: 2022
Design: Anežka Hrubá Ciglerová
Publisher: Galerie Klatovy/Klenová
Editors: Petr Krátký, Ilona Víchová
Typefaces: Mediator (publikum.design), Rhymes
Photo: Tereza Havlínková
Dimensions: 200 x 300 mm
Binding: Paperback
The monograph Jan Hendrych was published on the occasion of the anniversary exhibition Jan Hendrych 85, which took place in the spring of 2022 in the Klatovy/Klenová Gallery.
Jan Hendrych is often presented as a fierce figure painter whose artistic views influenced members of many artistic movements that ran through the Czech territory mainly in the second half of the 20th century and later at the turn of the millennium. During his twenty-five-year tenure as head of the Studio of Figurative Sculpture and Medals at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, he also helped to shape the artistic opinion of several generations of currently still active artists.